Professional and experienced claims management services are an extremely important adjunct to a comprehensive insurance and risk management program. At InterContinental Insurance Brokers, we believe that our most significant role is to assist you to identify your exposures to loss, prevent or mitigate the possibility of a loss, and aggressively manage your claim when it occurs. We advocate on your behalf with the insurance carrier to ensure that claims are adjusted properly and paid promptly. We will assist you with the resolution of all claims and will constantly communicate our progress and the status of the claim to you. InterContinental’s efficient and aggressive management of your claim can be directly translated into cost savings.
What makes us different? Whether it is for your personal or commercial insurance, the experienced professional who has taken the time to understand your exposures and placed your insurance coverage acts as the dedicated point person on your claim. At InterContinental, we believe that is the professional who knows your account best.
Our claims services include, but are not limited to the following:
- Working as your claims manager to present and negotiate the claim with the insurance carrier and advocating your position.
- Arranging and/or reviewing loss reporting procedures.
- Providing recommendations and status updates on all pending losses.
- Providing knowledge of the unique laws in the respective states in which you operate and which may relate to your claim.
- Providing assistance when obtaining details of precedent – setting court decisions and settlements.
- Assisting in subrogation efforts.
- Reviewing loss experiences.
It is critical that you always have a dedicated, experienced insurance professional to assist you with claims. InterContinental’s proactive and aggressive stance when it comes to claims is one of the hallmarks of our organization.